㊥ 目 ←

→ ㊥ みせる

㊥ 面


A suffix which forms a compound that means a side of X, or an aspect of X. (on) the side of; (from) the aspect of; (from) the standpoint/viewpoint of; in terms of
【Related Expression: 点(で)】

Key Sentences

(ks). 彼か学業では優秀だが、精神に少し弱さがあるようだ。

He is excellent in terms of his academic performance (literally: on the side of his academic performance) but he seems to have some psychological weakness (literally: have some weakness on the side of his psychology).


運営 The aspect of operation; the standpoint of operation


(a). この食堂は衛生によく気を配っている。

This restaurant pays close attention to hygiene (literally: the hygienic aspect).

(b). 藤田さんは技術からのみものを見る傾向がある。

Mr. Fujita tends to view things from the technical standpoint alone.

(c). ここの土地所有者は税金で優遇措置を受けている。

The land owners here receive favourable treatment in terms of tax.

(d). あの候補者の演説は政策での説得力に欠ける。

That candidate's speech is not convincing (literally: lacks persuasive power) from the standpoint of policy.

(e). 彼女は日本へ行っても語学は心配しなくてもいい。

She does not need to worry about language (literally: the aspect of language) when she goes to Japan

(f). この車は性能を高く評価された。

This car was highly regarded in terms of performance.

Note image

㊥ 目 ←

→ ㊥ みせる