㊥ かえって ←

→ ㊥ 限り(2)

㊥ 限り


A conjunction which expresses the idea "as long as (a certain condition is met)" or "as long as (= to the extent)". As long as; as far as; while; to the extent; until; unless
【Related Expression: あいだは; うちは】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私がここにいる限り心配は無用です。

As long as I am here, you don't have to worry.

(ksb). 田中さんが来ない限りこの会議は始められない。

As long as Mr. Tanaka is not here (literally: does not come), we cannot begin this meeting.

(ksc). これが事実である限り彼は有罪を免れないだろう。

As long as this is the fact, he probably cannot escape being found guilty.


(i)Vinformal 限り  
  見る限り As far as someone sees
  調べた限り As long as someone examined
  読まない限り As long as someone does not read; until someone reads
  出来る限り As long as someone can do; to the extent someone can do
(ii)Nounで {あるない}限り  
  学生である限り As long as someone is a student; while someone is a student
  日本人でない限り As long as someone is not Japanese; unless someone is Japanese


(a). 今の状態が続く限りプロジェクトは始められない。

As long as the present situation continues, we cannot start out project.

(b). この事件に関する限り彼は無実だ。

As long as this incident is concerned, he is innocent.

(c). 私の知っている限り彼は正直者です。

As far as I know, he is an honest man.

(d). その書類は私が読んだ限り誤りはなかった。

As far as I read, the document contained no errors.

(e). 教育者である限りそんなことは口にすべきではない。

While you are an educator, you shouldn't say things like that.

(f). この試験に通らない限り上級クラスに入れません。

Until you pass this exam, you cannot enrol in the advanced class.

(g). 事態が変わらない限り今以上の援助は不可能です。

Until the situation changes (literally: As long as the situation doesn't change), we cannot provide additional support.

(h). アメリカ人でない限りこの仕事には就けない。

Unless you are an American, you cannot be employed for this job.

(i). 私達は力の続く限り漕いだ。

We rowed as long as our strength lasted (literally: to the extent that our strength lasted).

(j). 出来る限りやってみます。

I will try my best (literally: try to do as long as I can do).

Note image

㊥ かえって ←

→ ㊥ 限り(2)