A conjunction/noun to express that an action indicated by a preceding verb or an action implied by a preceding noun is a prerequisite for another action. | As soon as; depend on |
【Related Expression: による; たらすぐ】 | |
(ksa). 大阪に着き次第、お電話を差し上げます。
As soon as I get to Osaka, I will call you.
(ksb). 原稿は完成次第お送り致します。
I will send my manuscripts as soon as they are completed.
(ksc). 世の中で成功するかしないかはあなたの努力次第ですよ。
Whether you succeed in the world or not depends on your efforts.
(i)Vます | 次第 | |
読み次第 | As soon as someone has read something | |
帰り次第 | As soon as someone has returned | |
Exception | いらっしゃり次第 | As soon as someone comes/goes there |
おっしゃり次第 | As soon as someone says it | |
なさり次第 | As soon as someone does something | |
(ii)VN | 次第 | |
帰国次第 | As soon as someone comes back to his/her country | |
到着次第 | As soon as someone/something arrives | |
(iii)(Xは)Noun | 次第だ/で | |
(農業は)天気次第だ | Farming depends on the weather | |
給料次第で | Depending on the salary |
(a). 夫は仕事が終わり次第、毎日まっすぐ帰宅します。
My husband comes straight home every day, as soon as he has finished his work.
(b). 空港から電話があり次第、お迎えに参ります。
I will go to pick you up as soon as you call me from the airport.
(c). 山岸先生がいらっしゃり次第、会議を始めたいと思います。
As soon as Professor Yamagishi comes here I'd like to begin our meeting.
(d). 東大を卒業次第、京大の大学院に入学するつもりだ。
Upon graduation from the University of Tokyo, I intend to enter the Graduate School of Kyoto University.
(e). お尋ねの件は、判明次第、ご連絡申し上げます。
On the matter you have inquired about, I will inform you as soon as I find out.
(f). レセプションが終了次第、晩餐会を始めます。
As soon as the reception is finished we will start the dinner party.
(g). 就職はコネ次第ですよ。
Finding employment depends on connections.
(h). 「地獄の沙汰も金次第(だ)」ということわざを知っていますか。
Do you know the proverb "Even affairs in hell depend on money”?
(i). ご注文次第で、どんな物でも料理致します。
Depending on your orders, I will cook you anything you like.
(j). 条件次第では、その仕事を引き受けたいと思います。
Depending on the employment terms I would like to accept that job.