Verb (Group 2) (used in writing and formal speech only)
A verb that indicates what the speaker/writer feels spontaneously or his/her hesitation about asserting himself/herself. | Seem; appear; apparently |
(ksa). 来年の景気は今年よりもいいように思われる。
It seems that the business conditions of the coming year will be better than those of this year.
(ksb). この病気の治療は約一か月かかると思われる。
It appears that the treatment of this disease will take approximately one month.
(i){V/Adjective い}informal | ように思われる |
{来る/来た}ように思われる | It appears that someone is coming/came |
{面白い/面白かった}ように思われる | It appears that someone is/was interesting |
(ii)Adjective な stem | {な/だった}ように思われる |
元気{な/だった}ように思われる | It seems that someone/something is/was healthy/sturdy |
(iii)Noun | {の/だった}ように思われる |
学生{の/だった}ように思われる | Someone seems to be/have been a student |
(iv)Sinformal | と思われる |
正しくないと思われる | It appears that something is not right |
(a). 日本の輸出は今後あまり伸びないように思われる。
It seems that Japanese exports are not going to grow so much in the future.
(b). 子供の非行を犯罪映画に結び付けるのは短絡的なように思われる。
It appears too simplistic to relate children's delinquency to crime movies.
(c). この大学の教育は理工系が特にいいように思われる。
Education at this university seems to be particularly good in science and engineering.
(d). 二十一世紀は情報化がもっと進んで、世界が一つの共同体になるだろうと思われる。
It seems to me that in the 21st century society will become more information oriented, and the world will become one community.
(e). 日本語を習う時はローマ字を使わない方がよいと思われる。
When you learn Japanese it seems better not to use romanization.
(f). 健康管理には毎日三十分ぐらいの運動をするのが効果的だと思われる。
To look after your health, it is apparently effective to exercise for about 30 minutes every day.