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㊥ ろくに~ない


A structure that is used to indicate that something animate does not or cannot do something satisfactorily/sufficiently/properly. Not sufficiently; not satisfactorily; not properly; not well; hardly

Key Sentences

(ks). 飛行機の中ではろくにられなかった

On the plane I couldn't sleep well.


ろくに Vnegativeない
ろくに食べない Someone doesn’t eat properly


(a). ろくに勉強もしないで試験を受けたので、全然出来なかった。

I took the exam without studying properly, so it was a disaster (literally: I couldn't do well at all).

(b). 短いパリ滞在だったので、彼女とはろくにえなかった

It was such a short stay in Paris that I hardly met her.

(c). 彼はフランスのことなどろくにらないのに、よく知っているような口を利く。

He hardly knows about France, but he talks as if he knew a lot about it.

(d). せっかくデパートまで買い物に出かけたのに、買い物中気分が悪くなってろくに買い物もせずに帰って来た。

I went shopping, and got as far as to a department store, but I came home without doing much shopping (literally: shopping properly) because I felt sick while shopping.

(e). 僕の犬はろくに芸もしない

My dog hardly does any tricks

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