A particle which indicates the extent or the degree to which someone/something does something or is in some state. | The~, the~; as; to the extent |
【Related Expression: ば~ほど; くらい】 | |
(ksa). この音楽は舞台に近いほど聞きやすい。
The closer (you sit) to the stage, the easier this music is to hear.
(ksb). 上空に行くほど酸素が薄くなる。
Oxygen is less dense at higher altitudes. (literally: Oxygen becomes thinner as you go higher/ the extent to which you go higher in the air.)
(ksc). 私は難しい仕事ほどやる気が出てくる。
I get more motivated by a harder job.
(i) {V/Adjective い}informal nonpast | ほど | |
勉強するほど | The more someone studies | |
高いほど | The more expensive something is | |
(ii)Adjective な stem | {なである}ほど | |
便利{なである}ほど | The more convenient something is | |
(iii)Relative Clause+Noun | ほど | |
考え方が論理的な人ほど | The more logical a person’s way of thinking is | |
よく勉強する学生ほど | A student who studies harder; the harder a student studies |
(a). 子供は小言を言うほど反発するものだ。
The more you nag children, the more they disobey you.
(b). 私は静かなほど落ち着かない。
The quieter it is, the more uneasy I feel.
(c). 駅に近くなるほど家賃が高くなる。
The closer to the station, the higher the rent.
(d). 運動するほど体の調子が変になる。
The more I exercise, the worse I feel.
(e). 元気な人ほど無理をしがちだ。
Stronger people tend to strain themselves more.
(f). あまり働かない者ほど不平が多い。
Lazier people complain more.