Compound Particle (used in writing and formal speech only)
Under some object; under the control or influence of someone or something. | Under; in; with |
【Related Expression: かで】 | |
(ks). 私は鈴木先生の指導の下で修士論文を書き上げた。
I finished my master's thesis under Professor Suzuki's guidance.
Noun | の下で |
学部長の指揮の下で | Under the direction of the dean |
(a). さんさんたる太陽の下で開会式が行われた。
The opening ceremony was held in (literally: under) the brilliant sun.
(b). 彼はカラヤンの下で指揮法を学んだ。
He studied conducting under (Herbert von) Karajan.
(c). 弁護士(の)立ち会いの下で私達の離婚が成立した。
Our divorce was agreed upon in (literally: under) the presence of attorneys.
(d). 囚人達は厳しい監視の下で強制労働をさせられた。
The prisoners were forced to work under strict supervision.
(e). このインフレの下では金を貯めても意味がない。
With this inflation there's no point in saving money.