A structure which focuses on a time when something takes place. | It will be/was~ when/that~ |
(ks). 吉田さんと最後に会ったのは1985年の五月のことだ。
It was in May 1985 that I last met Mr. Yamada.
Sinformal | のはNounのことだ | (the same formation as のだ) |
話したのは去年のことだ | It was last year when someone talked… |
(a). 日本語の面白さが分かり始めたのはごく最近のことだ。
It was only recently that I began to understand how interesting Japanese is.
(b). 本格的なロボットが現れたのは1960年代後半のことである。
It was in the late sixties when genuine robots came out.
(c). ゲラ刷りが出来るのは来月の終わりのことになるだろう。
It will be around the end of next month when we get galley proofs.
(d). 父が公務員だったのは私がまだ学校へ行く前のことだ。
It was before I went to school that my father was a government worker.
(e). 日本製品の評判が悪かったのは戦後二十年くらいの間のことだ。
It was for a period of about twenty years after World War II that the reputation of Japanese products was bad.
(f). 健一と利子が仲良く歩いているところを見たのはつい一か月ほど前のことなのに彼らはもう別れたという話だ。
Although it was only (about) a month ago when I saw Ken'ichi and Toshiko walking together intimately, I heard they've already split up.