㊥ のは~のことだ ←

→ ㊥ お~だ

㊥ ぬ

Auxiliary (used in writing and formal speech only)

An archaic auxiliary that indicates negation. Not
【Related Expression: ない; ず】

Key Sentences

(ksa). グローバルな時代に自国のことだけを考えるわけにはいか

In the global age we cannot think of our own country alone.

(ksb). 知らことを知らと言うには勇気が要る。

When you don't know something, it takes courage to admit it.


Vnegative (Noun/Auxillary)
知ら Someone doesn’t know someone/something
知ら A person whom someone doesn’t know or someone who doesn’t know something
知ららしい It appears that someone doesn’t know someone/something
Irregular Does not do something
Irregular おら Someone does not exist


(a). 彼は何を聞いても、知らとしか答え

No matter what I ask, he answers only that he does not know.

(b). その日本人は英語が分からようだった。

That Japanese did not seem to understand English.

(c). 最近は滅多に酒を飲まが、若い頃はよく飲んだものだ。

I seldom drink these days, but I used to drink a lot when I was young.

(d). 日本語が話せる者はこの辺にはおら

In this area there are not people who can speak Japanese.

Note image

㊥ のは~のことだ ←

→ ㊥ お~だ