A particle which makes an adverbial clause, with a verb of saying/thinking/understood after it. | (thinking/saying) that~; because; like; in such a way that~ |
(ksa). 幸夫は来年は家が買えると大変喜んでいる。
Yukio is very happy that he can buy a house next year.
(ksb). 博物館は開いているかなと、電話してみた。
(internal monologue): Wondering if the museum is open I called them.
(ksc). テニスをしょうと出かけたら、途中で雨が降ってきた。
With the intention of playing tennis (literally: Thinking that I will play tennis) I went out, but on my way it started to rain.
(ksd). 父はまだ元気なようだと安心していたが、最近急に弱ってきた。
I felt at ease, thinking that my father still looked healthy, but suddenly he began to grow weak.
(kse). 外国語の能力は単語から文、文から段落、そして段落から複段落と、伸びていく。
Foreign language proficiency develops from words to sentences, from sentences to paragraphs, and then from paragraphs to complex paragraphs.
(i){V/Adjective(い/な)}informal | と(思って/言って) | Verb of psychology |
読めると(思って/言って)嬉しがっている | Someone is happy thinking/saying that s/he can read it | |
面白いと(思って/言って)喜んでいる | Someone is happy thinking/saying that something is interesting | |
便利だと(思って/言って)嬉しがっている | Someone is happy thinking/saying that something is convenient | |
(ii)Sentence (internal monologue) | と(思って) | |
もう会うまいと、縁を切った | Thinking that someone would not see someone else, he severed the relationship | |
映画でも見に行こうかなと、出かけた | Wondering if I should go see a movie I left home | |
(iii)Vvolitional | と(思って/して) | |
食べようと(思って/して) | Thinking that s/he would eat it | |
(iv){V/Adjective(い/な)}informal (conjectural) | と(思って) | |
来ないだろうと(思って) | Thinking that s/he might not come | |
うまらないかもしれないと(思って) | Thinking that something might be boring | |
元気だろうと(思って) | Thinking that someone might be healthy | |
(v)NounParticle Noun, …NounParticle Noun | (そして)NounParticleと(いう{よう/風)に)Verb | |
男は二階、と(いう{よう/風)に)女は一階部屋を分かる | Someone divides the rooms in such a way that men are palced upstairs and women in the first floor |
(a). 友達は長い間飼っていた猫が死んでしまったと、悲しがっていた。
My friend looked sad, saying that a cat, which she kept for a long time, had died.
(b). 彼は癌になったかもしれないと心配している。
He is worried that he may have cancer.
(c). その学生はもうちょっとで百点が取れたのにと、悔しがった。
That student felt chagrined that he could almost get 100 points.
(d). 彼女と会うのもこれが最後かと、寂しかったのです。
Thinking that this would be the last time to see her, I felt lonely.
(e). 変な音がしたなと、外に出てみたが、何でもなかった。
Wondering what the strange noise was, I went outside, but it was nothing.
(f). 僕は今晩は酒を飲むまいと、まっすぐ家に帰った。
I came straight home, thinking that I would not drink tonight.
(g). 年内に論文を仕上げようと、懸命に努力しているところです。
Thinking that I should complete the paper before the end of the year, I am right now doing my very best.
(h). 彼にお礼を言おうとやって来たのに、ほかのことばかり話して、お礼を言うのを忘れてしまった。
I came here intending to thank him, but I just talked about something else, and forgot to thank him.
(i). 少しは体にいいだろうと、最近は散歩をしています。
I thought it would make a small improvement to my body, so I am taking walks these days.
(j). 宿題を忘れたので先生に叱られるかもしれないと、ビクビクしていた。
I forgot my homework so I feared that I might be scolded by my teacher.
(k). 日本の四季は、春は三月から五月、夏は六月から八月、秋は九月から十一月、冬は十二月から二月までと、どの季節もほぼ同じ長さになっている。
In Japan the four seasons are of approximately equal length, in such a way that spring is from March through May, summer from June through August, autumn from September through November, and winter from December through February.