Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)
A phrase which expresses the idea that someone or something becomes something. | Become |
(ks). 吉田さんが初代の委員長となった。
Mr. Yoshida has become the first committee chairman.
Noun | となる |
必修科目となる | Become a compulsory subject |
(a). その土地は結局国の所有物となった。
That land eventually become state property.
(b). 戦後義務教育は九年間となった。
After the war, (the period of) compulsory education was changed to (literally: became) nine years.
(c). 彼らの結婚は悲劇的な結果となった。
Their marriage ended in tragedy (literally: became a tragic result).
(d). 彼は証拠不十分で無罪となった。
For lack of evidence, he was found (literally: became) innocent.
(e). その試合は雨のため中止となった。
The game was cancelled (literally: became a cancellation) due to rain.