A phrase which expresses a manner or a way in which someone does something. | In such a way that; in such a fashion to suggest/show (etc.) that; as if to say/show (etc.) that |
【Related Expression: と言うように】 | |
(ksa). 彼はどうしようもないという風に首を振った。
He shook his head as if to say that there was no way out.
(ksb). 私は河村さんは来られないという風に聞いている。
I have been informed that Mr. Kawamura cannot come. (literally: I have been informed in such a way that I understand that Mr. Kawamura cannot come.)
(ksc). 浩司は鰻、友子は天ぷら、という風にめいめいが自分の好きなものを注文した。
Each of them ordered the (different) things they liked- Hiroshi, eel, Tomoko, tempura, and so on.
(i)Sinformal | という風に |
困ったという風に頭を抱えた | Someone held his head in such a fashion as to suggest that he didn’t know what to do |
(ii)XはA; YはB | という風に |
月曜日はピアノ、という風に火曜日はダンス良子は毎日レッスンがある | Yoshiko has a lesson every day –piano on Monday, dance on Tuesday, and so on |
(a). 彼はもう我慢が出来ないという風に荒々しく立ち上がった。
He stood up in a violent manner showing that he could no longer bear it.
(b). 彼女はもうこれ以上聞きたくないという風に両手で耳を被った。
She covered her ears as if to say that she didn't want to listen to it any more.
(c). 社長には、特に問題はなかったという風に言っておいて下さい。
Please tell the president that (literally: tell it to the president in such a way to convey that) there were no particular problems with it.
(d). この物語は今の社会を風刺しているという風には考えられませんか。
Can't we think that (literally: think in such a way that) this story mocks contemporary society?
(e). そういうことは規則に反するから出来ないという風に説明しておいけばいい。
You can explain that (literally: explain it in a way to mean that) we cannot do things like that because they are against the rules.
(f). 去年はボストン、今年はニューヨークという風に、この協会の大会は毎年東部の大都市で開かれている。
This association's convention is held in a big city on the East Coast every year: last year Boston; this year New York; and so on.
(g). ジョンはケートと、マイクはシンディーと、という風にみんながパートナーを見つけてペアになった。
Everybody found a partner and paired up- John with Kate, Mike with Cindy, and so on.