㊥ たところで ←

→ ㊥ て初めて

㊥ て

て Form

After/since a point in time at which something takes place. And; since; having done something
【Related Expression: てから】

Key Sentences

(ks). こちらにいらっしゃっもう何年になりますか。

How long have you been here/ how many years it is since you came here?


V Duration
二年 It has been two years since someone came


(a). 二人は結婚し二年後に離婚した。

The couple got married and two years later they got divorced.

(b). 会社を辞めもう久しい。

It has been a long time since I quit the company.

(c). この島を訪れもう何年になるだろうか。

I wonder how many years have already passed since I last visited this island.

(d). この会社で働き始めこれで四年になります。

It's been four years since I began to work at this company.

(e). この町に来まだ一週間目です。

It's my first week in this town.

Note image

㊥ たところで ←

→ ㊥ て初めて