Interjection (used in conversation only)
An interjection which signals that the speaker is going to provide an unexpected response to a question. | Well (contrary to your expectation; I'm afraid to say this, but) |
【Related Expression: それは; ところが】 | |
(ks). A:奨学金がもらえそうですか。B:(いえ)それが難しそうなんです。
A: Does it look like you can get a scholarship? B: Well, (no,) it looks difficult.
(a). A: 試験、どうだった?B:それが、駄目だったんだ。
A: How was the exam? B: Well, (I'm sorry to say this, but) it was no good.
(b). A: 来年は日本で働くんですね。B: いや、それが行けなくなってしまったんです。
A: You're going to work in Japan next year, aren't you? B: Well, no, it's turned out that I can't go.
(c). A:彼女に会って話したんだろう。B: それが、会ったことは会ったんだけど、顔を見たら何も言えなくなってしまって。
A: You met her and talked to her, right? B: Well, I did meet her, but when I saw her face, I couldn't say anything.