A conjunction which is used to provide additional important information. | Moreover; furthermore; besides; on top of that; what's more; what's worse; more surprisingly; at that; nevertheless; and yet; even so |
【Related Expression: おまけに; その上; それでいて; それも; それに; (それ)にもかかわらず】 | |
(ksa). 最近のテープレコーダーは小さくて軽く、しかも音が素晴らしくよくなった。
The tape recorders available these days are compact and light, and on top of that, their sound has improved greatly.
(ksb). 彼は家を買った。しかも大きい庭付きのを(だ)。
He bought a house, and more surprisingly, a house with a large yard.
(ksc). 彼はいつも夜遅くまで勉強し、しかも朝は誰よりも早く起きる。
He studies till late every night; nevertheless, he gets up earlier than anyone else.
(i){V/Adjective/Noun+Copula}て | しかも |
結婚していて、しかも子供までいる | Someone is married, and what’s more, s/he even has a child |
面白くて、しかも只だ | Something is interesting, and what’s more, it is free of charge |
ハンサムで、しかもお金持ちだ | Someone is handsome, and what’s more, he is rich |
失業中で、しかも病気だ | Someone is out of work, and what’s worse, s/he is ill |
(ii)Vます | しかも |
よく働き、しかも不平を言わない | Someone works hard, and yet (or nevertheless), s/he does not complain |
(iii)Adjectiveい/く | しかも |
値段が安く、しかも丈夫だ | Something is cheap; furthermore, it’s durable |
(iv)Sentence1 | しかもSentence2 |
この仕事は面白い。しかも給料がいい | This job is interesting. On top of that, the pay is good |
(a). 彼女は美人でしかも頭がいい。男子学生が夢中になるのも無理はない。
She is pretty, and what's more, (she is) smart. It is natural that boys (literally: male students) should be crazy about her.
(b). 日本語は語彙が英語と全然違うし文法も難しい。しかも、日本語には漢字がある。
Japanese has entirely different vocabulary from English, and the grammar is also difficult. On top of that, Japanese has kanji.
(c). あのレストランの定食は美味しくて安い。しかも、ボリュームがあるから学生や若いサラリーマンに人気がある。
That restaurant's teishoku (set meal) is good and reasonable. On top of that, it is substantial (literally: it has volume), so it is popular among students and young white-collar workers.
(d). 彼はこの大雨の中を出かけて行った。しかも、傘も持たずに。
He went out in this heavy rain, and more surprisingly, without an umbrella.
(e). 彼は試験に遅刻してしまった。しかも、三十分も。
He was late for the exam, and what's worse, as much as thirty minutes late.
(f). 彼女は英語のほかに四か国語を話す。しかも、すべて母国語話者のように。
She speaks four languages besides English, and more surprisingly, she speaks all of them like a native speaker.
(g). 私は風邪を引いてしまった。しかも、大事な試験の前日にだ。
I caught a cold, and at that on the day before an important exam.
(h). 彼はどんなつらい仕事でも黙ってこなし、しかも、給料についてほかの者ように不平を言わなかった。
No matter how hard the job was, he did it quietly, and what's more, he did not complain about his salary like the others did.
(i). 彼女は何をやっても上手で、しかも、その才能をひけらかさない。
She is good at everything, but even so, she does not show off her talents.