An emphatic particle which expresses the idea of "even" in non-conditional clauses (or sentences) or the idea of "only" in conditional clauses. | Even; if~ only; if~ just; as long as; the only thing~ need is |
【Related Expression: まで; も; すら】 | |
(ksa). 彼女は現代日本語は勿論古典さえ読める。
She can read even classical Japanese, not to mention modern Japanese.
(ksb). この研究所にはアメリカからさえ研究者が来る。
Researchers even from America visit this lab.
(ksc). その歌は子供でさえ知っている。
Even children know this song.
(ksd). ここに置いておきさえすれば後はここの人が全部やってくれます。
If you just leave it here, the people in this place will take care of the rest.
(kse). この仕事さえ片付いたら後は楽なんです。
If we can only finish (literally: If we only finish) this work, the rest will be easy.
(i)Noun | さえ | |
鹿さえ出る | Even deer appear | |
刺身さえ食べる | Eat even sashimi | |
(ii)Noun(Particle) | さえ | |
アフリカ(へ/に)さえ行った | Went even to Africa | |
(iii)Noun Particle | さえ | |
こんな街にさえある | Exist even in such a town | |
私にさえ分かる | Understandable even to me | |
学校でさえ教える | Teach even at school | |
犬とさえ遊ぶ | Play even with a dog | |
中国からさえ来る | Come even from China | |
(iv)Noun (Particle) | でさえ | |
専門家でさえ分からない | Even professionals don't understand (literally: one doesn't understand something even if he is a professional) | |
果物でさえ食べない | Don't eat even fruit (literally: don't eat something even if it is fruit) | |
私からでさえもらわない | Don't accept (something) even from me (literally: don't receive something even if it is from me) | |
(v)Vて | さえ (いる/もらう/etc.) | |
読んでさえいない | Have not even read | |
見てさえ分からない | Don't understand even by looking at | |
(vi)Vます | さえする | |
書きさえする | Even write | |
(vii)Adjective い stem | くさえある | |
安くさえある | Be even inexpensive | |
(viii){Adjective な stem/Noun} | でさえある | |
便利でさえある | Be even convenient | |
学者でさえある | Be even a scholar |
(a). 彼はもうおかゆさえ喉を通らなかった。
He was no longer able to eat even porridge.
(b). 私はその写真を大人には勿論子供にさえ見せた。
I showed the picture even to kids, not to mention adults.
(c). 彼は私の言うことを聞こうとさえしない。
He doesn't even try to listen to me.
(d). 山田にさえ出来たんだから君にも出来るよ。
Even Yamada could do it, so you can do it, too.
(e). 先生でさえこの問題を解くのに二時間もかかった。
Even my teacher took (as much as) two hours to solve this problem.
(f). クレジットカードさえあればいつでも入会出来ます。
You can join our club any time if you only have a credit card.
(g). 君さえ承知してくれたら今すぐこのプロジェクトを始めるつもりだ。
As long as you agree (to our plan), we are planning to begin this project right away.
(h). まじめに勉強してさえいれば試験は大丈夫だ。
As long as you study seriously, you'll do okay on the exam (literally: the exam will be all right).
(i). 手を上げさえすればすぐ警官が飛んでくる。
If you just raise your hand, a policeman will rush to you.
(j). 高くさえなければ売れるはずだ。
It should sell as long as it's not expensive.
(k). 通勤に便利でさえあればどんなところでもいいんです。
Any location will be fine as long as it is convenient for commuting.