Verb (Group 2)
Something is passively and spontaneously audiable. | Audible; (can) hear; it sounds |
【Related Expression: 聞ける】 |
(ks). 私(に)は鶯の声がよく聞こえる・聞こえます。
To me the cries of a nightingale are clearly audible./ I can clearly hear the cries of a nightingale.
(a). その音は小さ過ぎて聞こえない。
That sound is too weak and is not audible.
(b). 大山さんの声は大きいので隣の部屋の人にもよく聞こえる。
Mr. Oyama's voice is so loud that people in the neighbouring rooms can hear him.
(c). 私にはお寺の鐘の音が聞こえたが、弟には聞こえなかった。
I could hear the sound of the temple bell, but my younger brother couldn't.
(d). テーラーさんの作った文は変に聞こえる。
The sentences which Mr. Taylor made sound strange.
【Related Expression】
聞こえる is different from the regular potential form of 聞く 'hear' (i.e., 聞ける) in that the former indicates a passive, auditory potentiality, whereas the latter indicates that the speaker (or the subject of sentence) can hear sound not passively but actively. Thus,
Note that in [4] both 聞ける and 聞こえる are possible, depending on the speaker's perception of the situation; if he perceives the situation to be inalterable, he uses 聞こえる; if not, he uses 聞ける.