㊦ 前に・まえに ←

→ ㊦ まま

㊦ 毎・まい


A prefix which means 'every (unit of time)'. Every; per
【Related Expression: ごとに

Key Sentences

(ks). 私は日一マイル泳ぐ・泳ぎます。

I swim one mile every day.


Noun of time  
  Every morning
  Every month


(a). 弘は晩道子に電話しているそうだ。

I heard that Hiroshi calls Michiko every evening.

(b). 台風は時二十キロの速さで北に進んでいる。

The typhoon is moving north at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour.

(c). 私は年一度は日本へ行く。

I go to Japan at least once every year.

(d). ジーンは食サラダを食べる。

Jean eats salad at every meal.


1. is prefixed to nouns which express a unit of time. Nouns like 食 'meal' can also be used, as seen in Example (d). In this case, 食 implies the time at which one eats. However, the following phrases are all unacceptable because the nouns following do not indicate a time or period of time. (The correct expressions are given in parentheses.)

a. * every person (すべての人
b. *先生 every teacher (すてべの先生
c. * every house (すべての家

cannot be used when nouns of time are preceded by numbers; thus, the following phrases are unacceptable.

(⇨ ごとに)

a. *三日 every three days
b. *二年 every other year
c. *一週 every one week

[See Related Expresssion [1a] for correct expressions.]

2. ごとに is usually used with Japanese-origin words of one or two syllables or shorter Chinese-origin words. Thus, compounds like those in (3) are awkward.

a. ???休み every holiday
b. ???クリスマス every Christmas
c. *子供の日 every Children's Day

[See Related Expression [1b] for correct expressions.]

【Related Expression】

ごとに also means 'every' but its usage differs from that of . First, ごとに is not a prefix but a suffix. Second, it is used with nouns of time preceded by numbers or specific dates, as seen in [1].

(⇨ ごとに)

a. Period of time
三日ごとに every three days
一時間ごとに every hour
b. Specific date
クリスマスごとに every Christmas
子供の日ごとに Every Children's Day

(Complementiser phrase)

日ごとに  day after day;  年ごとに  year after year

Third, unlike , ごとに can also be used with other noun phrases, as seen in [2].


㊦ 前に・まえに ←

→ ㊦ まま