㊦ かしら ←

→ ㊦ 代わりに・かわりに

㊦ 方・かた


A noun forming suffix that indicates a way or a manner in which one does something. A way of; a manner of; how to
【Related Expression: 方法】

Key Sentences

(ks). ケーキの作りを教えて下さい。

Please show me how to make a cake.


  話し Way/manner of speaking
  食べ Way/manner of eating


(a). この漢字の書きが分かりません。

I don't know how to write this kanji.

(b). あの人の歩きは面白いですね。

His manner of walking is amusing, isn't it?

(c). 日本語の勉強の仕を教えて下さい。

Please teach me how to study Japanese language.


1. Verbます+ is in itself ambiguous, meaning either 'way' or 'manner'. Thus,

is ambiguous: it means either 'The way of drinking is important' or 'The manner in which one drinks is important'. The separate meanings become clearer in an extended context:

2. Sino-Japanese verbs such as 勉強する 'study', 電話する 'telephone', 料理する 'cook', 説明する, 'explain' and 相談する 'consult' need the particle の before 仕 as in:

【Related Expression】

can be replaced by 法 but only when means 'a way of doing something'. 法 roughly corresponds to the English word 'method'; it means a relatively complicated way of doing something. Example (c) can be rewritten as [1].


㊦ かしら ←

→ ㊦ 代わりに・かわりに