A suffix attached to names of stores, inns and Japanese style restaurants or to persons engaged in certain occupations | Store |
(a). 花屋 本屋 薬屋 肉屋 パチンコ屋 パン屋 魚屋 酒屋
Florist bookstore drug store butcher pinball parlor bakery fishmonger liquor store
(b). 酒屋さんに電話してビールを三ダース持って来てもらった。
I called the man at the liquor store and had him bring me three dozen beers.
(c). あの人は政治家ではなくて政治屋だ。
He is not a statesman but a mere politician.
The suffix 屋 is sometimes used to downgrade a person. This use, however, is very restricted. Examples follow:
Note that these examples are all derived from Verbます+屋, as in 恥ずかしがり+屋, いばり+屋 and 気取り+屋.