㊦ お ←

→ ㊦ を(2)

㊦ を (1)


A particle which marks a direct object.

Key Sentences

(ks). 私は日本語勉強している・います。

I'm studying Japanese.


(a). 前田さんは昨日車買った。

Mr. Maeda bought a car yesterday.

(b). 飲みますか。

What will you drink?


1. marks the direct object. It is noted, however, that the direct object in English is not always marked by in Japanese. Compare Japanese and English in the following sentences, for example.

(⇨ は~が; 分かる)

2. In some constructions, the direct object marker can be replaced by the subject marker が.

(4) ミルク飲む ミルク/が飲みたい (⇨ たい)
drink milk want to drink milk
(5) 日本語話す 日本語/が話せる (⇨ られる2)
speak Japanese can speak Japanese
(6) 開ける /が開けてある (⇨ ある2)
open the window The window has been opened.

3. cannot occur more than once in a clause, whether it is the direct object marker (i.e., 1) or the space marker (i.e., 2). Thus, in the causative construction, for example, the causee can be marked only by に if another element in the same clause is marked by . (⇨ させる)

If the direct object is presented as a topic or a contrastive element, is replaced by は.

㊦ お ←

→ ㊦ を(2)