㊦ より(1) ←

→ ㊦ ようと思う

㊦ より (2)


A particle which indicates a set point in terms of space or time. In~ of; inside; outside; before; after
【Related Expression: から1

Key Sentences

(ks). メキシコは赤道より北にある・あります。

Mexico is located north of the equator.


(a). この線より内側に入ってはいけません。

You must not get inside this line.

(b). 三時より前に来て下さい。

Please come before three o'clock.

(c). これより先はバスがありません。

There's no bus service from here (beyond this point).


The use of より as a marker indicating a set point in terms of location can be extended to more abstract locations, as in (1).

【Related Expression】

から can be used in place of より2 when から indicates a set point in space, as in [1].

(⇨ から1)


When より indicates a point in time, however, から can replace it only if it indicates a starting time. Thus, から in [2a] is grammatical, but から in [2b] is not.


It is also noted that より2 implies a comparison of two things, while から has no such implication.

㊦ より(1) ←

→ ㊦ ようと思う