㊦ ように(2) ←

→ ㊦ ようになる

㊦ ように言う


Tell someone in such a way that he will do something. Tell~ to~; say~ in such a way

Key Sentences

(ks). 先生は学生に宿題をするように言った・言いました

The teacher told his students to do homework.


Vinformal nonpast ように言う  
  話すように言う Tell someone to talk
  食べるように言う Tell someone to eat


(a). 坂本さんは雪江に図書館の前で待っているように言いった

Mr. Sakamoto told Yukie to be waiting in front of the library.

(b). すみませんが、小林さんに明日朝九時にここへ来るように言って下くださいませんか。

I'm sorry, but could you please tell Mr. Kobayashi to come here at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?

(c). 私は聞こえるようにはっきり言ったんですが…

I said it in such a way that it was clearly audible, but...


1. ように言う can be used either as an indirect imperative as in Key Sentence and Examples (a) and (b), or to mean 'say in such a way that ~,' i.e., the use of ように1 (⇨ ように1) In the former case, the verb must be a controllable verb a verb that represents something controllable by human volition, such as する 'do', 待つ 'wait', 来る 'come', 読む 'read' and 買う 'buy'. In the latter case the verb must be a noncontrollable verb, such as 分かる 'understand', 聞こえる 'be audible' (Example (c)), or a potential form of verbs.

2. When ように言う is used as an indirect imperative, the verb 言う can be replaced by other verbs such as 頼む 'ask', 命じる 'order' and 求める 'request'.

The direct imperative versions of (1) are something like (2). Notice that there is more than one direct imperative form if the directive verb is 言う.

㊦ ように(2) ←

→ ㊦ ようになる