㊦ のに(1) ←

→ ㊦ のは~だ

㊦ のに (2)


In the process or for the purpose of doing something expressed in the の nominalised clause. In the process of doing~; (in order) to do~; for the purpose of~
【Related Expression: に5; 為(に)

Key Sentences

(ks). 私は日本語の新聞を読むのに辞書を使う・使います。

I used a dictionary to read Japanese newspapers.


Vinformal nonpast のに  
  話すのに In order to talk
  食べるのに In order to eat


(a). すき焼きを作るのには何が要りますか。

What do you need to make sukiyaki?

(b). このレポートを書くのに一ヶ月かかりました。

It took me a month to write this paper.

(c). 会社に行くのにバスと電車を使っている。

I am using the bus and the train to get to my company.


1. In the のに2 construction, only informal, nonpast, volitional verbs can precede のに.

(Complementiser phrase: のに1)

2. When the のに clause is used as the topic (i.e., Sentenceのには), is often deleted in conversation, as in (1).

【Related Expressions】

I. When the main verb is a verb of motion, the のに2 construction contrasts with that of Verbますに Verb(motion). (⇨ に5) Examples:




If a destination is specified, as in [1] and [2], both constructions can be used. However, the のに version implies that the subject of the sentence made a lot out of the entire process. [2] can imply that the speaker shouldn't have used time and money going to Ginza to see a movie. If a location is not specified, only the Verbますに Verb(motion) construction can be used, as shown in [3].

II. のに2 is similar in its meaning to Verb nonpast為に 'in order to'. The latter purely means 'purpose' but the former retains the meaning of 'in the process of' even when it means 'purpose'. Thus, in a sentence such as [4] below in which the verb in the のに clause is incongruous with the meaning of 'process', のに cannot be used.


㊦ のに(1) ←

→ ㊦ のは~だ