㊦ の(3) ←

→ ㊦ のだ

㊦ の (4)


A sentence-final particle used by a female or a child to indicate an explanation or emotive emphasis. It is that ~
【Related Expression: のだ

Key Sentences

(ksa). A:どうして泣いている?  B:お母さんがいない

A: How come you are crying?  B: 'Cause mommy's gone.

(ksb). あの人はとても優しい

He is so gentle, you know.

(ksc). 母はまだとても元気な

My mother is still quite fine.

(ksb). 主人はエンジニアな

My husband is an engineer.


(i){V/Adjective い} informal  
  {話す /話した} Someone talks/talked
  {食べる /食べた} Someone eats/ate
  {大きい /大きかった} Something is/was big
(ii){Adjective な stem/ Noun} {だった}  
  {静か/ 静かだった} Something is/was quiet
  {先生/ 先生だった} Someone is/was a teacher


(a). A:どうして食べない?  B:お腹(が)空いて(い)ない

A: How come you don't eat it?  B: 'Cause I'm not hungry.

(b). A:どうした?  B:頭が痛い

A: What's the matter with you?  B: I have a headache.

(c). うちの子はまだ小学生な

My child is still in grade school.

(d). 大学はプリンストンだった

My university was Princeton.


1. The sentence-final is derived from だ/です through deletion of だ/です.

2. This is used by females or children only in an informal situation. There are times when adult male speakers use in questions, as in Examples (a) and (b), but they do not use it in declarative sentences, as in Examples (c) and (d).

【Related Expression】

The sentence-final particle 4 is the same in its meaning as of だ.

(⇨ のだ)

㊦ の(3) ←

→ ㊦ のだ