㊦ にする ←

→ ㊦ の(2)

㊦ の (1)


A particle which, with a preceding noun phrase, forms a phrase to modify a following noun phrase. 's; of; in; at; for; by; from
【Related Expression: の2

Key Sentences

(ksa). これは先生本だ・です。

This is my teacher's book.

(ksb). これは友達から手紙だ・です。

This is a letter from my friend.


(i)Noun の Noun 田中さん Mr. Tanaka's house
  アメリカ大学 A university in America
(ii)Noun Particle の Noun 日本での仕事 A job in Japan
  メアリーへのプレゼント A present for Mary


(a). 本 学校名前  今日新聞

my book  the name of the school today's paper

(b). 日本寺  駅電話

a temple in Japan  a telephone at the station

(c). 美術本  日本語試験

a book on fine arts  an exam on Japanese

(d). 花  桃木  バス切符  風邪

a cherry blossom  a peach tree  a bus ticket  cold medicine

(e). 日本語先生  音楽学生

a teacher of Japanese  a student of music

(f). ピカソ絵  ベートーベン音楽  フォード

a picture by Picasso  music by Beethoven  a car made by Ford

(g). 友達大木さん  医者森田さん  カラー写真  十歳子供

my friend Mr. Ooki  a medical doctor, Dr. Morita  a photo in colour  a ten year old child

(h). ドレス  れんが

a silk dress  a brick house

(i). 八時からパーティー  先生と話し合い

a party which starts at eight o'clock  a discussion with the teacher


1. Generally, combines two noun phrases into a larger noun phrase. In AB, A modifies B and indicates a specific member(s) of B among all the members of B. A and B in AB relate to each other in various ways, and these relationships are determined by context. Some common relationships follow.

2. In AB, A is sometimes a noun phrase with a particle, as in Key Sentence (B) and Example (i). Note that cannot be omitted in this case, because it indicates that the preceding noun phrase with a particle modifies the following noun phrase. Without , the noun phrase with the particle is interpreted as an adverbial phrase which modifies the predicate in the clause. For example, in (1a) 八時から 'from eight o'clock' modifies 行きました 'went', while in (1b) 八時から modifies パーティー 'party'.

3. The "AB" construction can be extended as in "ABC..." Examples:

4. In AB, B can be omitted if it is apparent from context. Examples:

㊦ にする ←

→ ㊦ の(2)