A phrase marking information which identifies or explains the noun following the phrase. | Called; that says ~; that |
(ksa). 「雪国」という小説を読んだ・読みました。
I read a novel called Snow Country.
(ksb). 山田さんが入院したという知らせを聞いた・聞きました。
I heard the news that Mr. Yamada has been hospitalised.
(ksc). もっと頑張らなくては(ならない)という気持ちがある・あります。
I have the feeling that I have to keep hanging in there.
(a). 「七人の侍」という映画を見たことがありますか。
Have you ever seen the film called Seven Samurai?
(b). ジューンが日本へ行くという話は本当ですか。
Is the story that June is going to Japan true?
(c). その人に会いたくないという気持ちはよく分かります。
I am well aware of your feeling that you don't want to see him.
(d). 友達が今日来るということをすっかり忘れていた。
I completely forgot the fact that my friend is coming today.
1. という is a combination of the quote marker と and いう 'call, say'.
(⇨ と3)
2. The head noun in Key Sentence (B) is a noun of communication, such as 話 'story', ニュース 'news', 知らせ 'information', 手紙 'letter' and 噂 'rumor'. The head noun in Key Sentence (C) is a noun of human emotion, such as 悲しみ 'sadness', 感じ 'feeling', 気 'feeling', 気持ち 'feeling', 恐れ 'fear' and 喜ぶ 'joy'.
3. という is optional if the preceding element is not a noun or a clause which represents a quotation, as in Key Sentence (C) and Examples (c) and (d).
4. When という is used at the end of a sentence, it means hearsay ("I heard that ~, They say ~, It is said that ~"). The sentence final という is used only in written Japanese, as in (1).
(⇨ そうだ1)