㊦ て ←

→ ㊦ てもいい

㊦ ても


[x] is used when that which is expressed in the main clause is not what is expected from the content of the dependent ([x]) clause. Even if; although
【Related Expression: けれど; のに1; たって

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は雨が降っても行く・行きます。

I'll go there even if it rains.

(ksb). 私は寒くても出かける・出かけます。

I'll go out even if it is cold.

(ksc). 僕がトムでも同じことをしただろう・でしょう。

Even if I were Tom, I would probably have done the same thing.


(i){V/Adjective(い/な)} て  
  話しても Even is someone talks
  食べても Even if someone eats
  高くても Even if it is expensive
  静かでも Even if it is quiet
(ii) Noun でも  
  先生でも even if someone is a teacher


(a). 中山さんは本を買っても読みません。

Mr. Nakayama doesn't read books even if he buys them.

(b). 私は四時間歩いても疲れなかった。

I didn't get tired although I walked for four hours.

(c). 何を食べても美味しいです。

No matter what I eat, it tastes good.

(d). 誰に聞いても分からなかった。

No matter who I asked, I couldn't get the answer.

(e). A:煙草を吸ってもいいですか。  B:はい、いいです。

A: May I smoke?  B: Yes, you may.

(f). どんなに日本語が難しくてもやってみます。

No matter how difficult Japanese may be, I will try it.

(g). どんなに丈夫でも体には気をつけた方がいい。

No matter how healthy you are, you'd better take good care of yourself.

(h). 井上さんが先輩でも僕ははっきり言うつもりだ。

I intend to speak straightforwardly, even if Mr. Inoue is my senior.


1. The basic meaning of ても is the same as the English phrase 'even if ~'

2. てもいいですか as in Example (e) is an idiomatic expression used to request permission to do something. If the answer is in the affirmative, it is "はい、いいです。" (Yes, you may.) If it is in the negative, it is "いえ、いけません。" (No, you may not.)

3. Interrogative word ても means 'no matter Interrogative word', as in Examples (c), (d), (f), and (g). Typical usages are listed below:

誰に話しても no matter who someone talks to
何を話しても no matter what someone talks about
どこで話しても no matter where someone talks
いつ話しても no matter when someone talks
どう話しても no matter how someone talks
どんなに話しても no matter how much someone talks

【Related Expressions】

ても is comparable but not identical to けれど 'although' and のに 'in spite of the fact that'. The semantic difference is exactly that of English 'even if' vs. 'although'. (⇨ けれど; のに1) Thus,


However, if て is used with an interrogative word, it cannot be replaced by けれど or のに.


㊦ て ←

→ ㊦ てもいい