A particle that indicates equal distribution of quantity. | By; at a time. |
(ks). 私は漢字を毎日五つずつ覚える・覚えます。
I memorize five kanji every day.
(a). 毎月三冊ずつ本を買っています。
I'm buying three books per month.
(b). ゴルフが少しずつ上手になって来た。
I have become a better golfer bit by bit.
(c). 私は子供達に本を二冊ずつやった。
I gave two books to each of the children.
(d). どのクラスにも女子学生が六人ずついた。
There were six girl students in each class.
1. The particle ずつ is used only after a quantifier (= an expression of quantity).
2. A sentence without ずつ can express virtually the same fact. Compare Key Sentence and Example (a) with (1a) and (1b), respectively.
A sentence with ずつ focuses on equal distribution of quantity, but a sentence without ずつ doesn't.