㊦ し ←

→ ㊦ しか

㊦ しい


An infix attached to the stem of an adjective い to indicate something that one cannot objectively measure on any scale (e.g. human emotion).

Key Sentences

しい  楽しい  らしい  美味しい  苦しい  頼もしい

Sad  enjoyable seem  delicious  painful  dependable


しい  厳しい  羨ましい  寂しい  惜しい  妬ましい

Regrettable  strict  envious  lonely  regrettable  enviable

恐ろしい  難しい  恋しい  嬉しい  親しい  涼しい

Scary  difficult  dear  happy  intimate  cool


Adjectives (い) that do not contain -- are, for the most part, descriptive adjectives that are dependent on the speaker’s objective judgment. In other words, they are adjectives which indicate something that one can objectively measure on some scale. Typical descriptive adjectives are:

赤い (red) 低い (low) 青い (blue) 堅い (hard)
大きい (big) 浅い (shallow) 軽い (light) 白い (white)
小さい (small) 黒い (black) 高い (high) 近い (near)
短い (short) 薄い (thin) 深い (deep) 長い (long)
安い (cheap) 柔らかい (soft) 若い (young) 濃い (thick)

㊦ し ←

→ ㊦ しか