㊦ Relative Clause ←

→ ㊦ 様・さま

㊦ さ


A suffix that makes a noun out of an adjective by attaching it to the stem of an adjい or much less frequently to the stem of an adjな -ness; -ly
【Related Expression: み】

Key Sentences

(ks). このうちの広はちょうどいい・いいです。

This size of this house is just right.


Adjective (い/な) stem  
  静か quietness


(a). 富士山の高はどのぐらいですか。

What is the approximate height of Mt. Fuji?

(b). 日本語の難しがよく分かりました。

I'm now well aware of the difficulty of Japanese.

(c). アメリカのよはパイオニア・スピリットでしょう

One of America's good qualities is perhaps its pioneering spirit.


1. The suffix is a very productive suffix that makes a noun out of an adjective. Some typical examples are given below:

2. Adjective な stem+ is not commonly used. It is suggested that the learner avoid using it. Some of the most commonly used Adjective な stem+ are the following:

3. When an adjective can be paired with another adjectival antonym as in 大きい 'big' vs. 小さい 'small', the positive counterparty (i.e., 大きい) tends to acquire a meaning of absolute degree when is attached, as in 大き 'size'. Examples follow:

Positive Negative
breadth thinness
weight lightness
難し difficulty やさし easiness
うれし joy 悲し sadness
depth shallowness
height lowness
heat coldness
density thinness
大き size 小さ smallness
size of space smallness of space
strength weakness

【Related Expression】

describes, in an analytical manner, the degree of the state represented by an adjective, but み, another noun-forming suffix, is a more emotive and concrete characterization of some state (based primarily on direct perception). Only a limited number of Adjective い can be used with み. Examples:

Consider the following sentences in which is unacceptable.



In both [1] and [2] the version is unacceptable because both sentences express something concrete that can be expressed only by み. The fact that nouns with the suffix み indicate something concrete seems to be related to a general tendency of nasal sounds.

㊦ Relative Clause ←

→ ㊦ 様・さま