Approximate quantity or extent. | Approximately; about |
【Related Expression: ごろ; ほど; (ばかり)】 |
(ks). 東京からサンフランシスコまで飛行機で九時間くらいかかる・かかります。
It's about nine hours by plane from Tokyo to San Francisco.
(i)Number-counter | くらい | |
四冊くらい | About four volumes | |
百人くらい | About a hundred people | |
(ii)Demonstrateive {pronoun/adjective} | ||
{これ /この}くらい | About this much/to about this extent | |
{それ /その}くらい | About that much/to about that extent | |
{あれ /あの}くらい | (Referring to an object that is removed from both the speaker and the hearer) about that much/to about that extent | |
{どれ /どの}くらい | About how much?/to about what extent? | |
(iii)Interrogative pronoun | いくらくらい | About how much? |
(a). A:その車はいくらぐらいでしたか。 B:百五十万円くらいでした。
A: About how much was that car? B: It was about 1,500,000 yen.
(b). スミスさんは京都に四ヶ月くらい行っていました。
Mr. Smith was in Kyoto for about four months.
(c). 山田ぐらい英語が出来れば楽しいでしょうね。
It must be fun to be able to speak English as well as Mr. Yamada (literally: to the extent of Mr. Yamada).
(d). 私だってそれぐらいのことは分かりますよ。
Even I can understand that sort of thing (literally: things of that extent).
くらい may be freely replaced by ぐらい without a change in meaning.