After/since a point in time at which something takes place. | After; having done something; since (time) |
【Related Expression: あとで; てform of verb】 |
(ks). 雪子は晩ご飯を食べてから映画に行った・行きました。
After eating her supper, Yukiko went to a movie.
Vてから | 話してから | After talking |
食べてから | After eating |
(a). 私は友達に電話してからうちを出た。
I left home after making a call to my friend.
(b). ジョーンズさんはいつもシャワーを浴びてから寝ます。
Mr. Jones always goes to bed after taking a shower.
(c). 私達がこの家を買ってからもう十年になる。
It's already been ten years since we bought this house.
(d). 二年前に交通事故を起こしてから、ミラーさんは車に乗らないようにしています。
Since he caused a traffic accident two years ago, Mr. Miller has been trying not to drive a car.
1. Verbてから Sentence means 'Sentence after doing something' or 'Sentence since ~ did something'. The usage of から2 is an extended use of から1.
2. てから is not to be confused with たから in which から is used as a conjunction of cause/reason.
(⇨ から3)
【Related Expression】
から in Verbてから can be omitted if the main verb does not indicate a high degree of volitional control on the part of the speaker as in the cases of a strong suggestion, determination or a command. Thus, in Key Sentence and Examples (a), (b) and (c) から can drop, but in Example (d), [1a] and [2a] it cannot.
The difference between てから and て is that the former focuses more on chronological order and volitional planning than the latter does.