㊦ 欲しい・ほしい(1) ←

→ ㊦ 一番・いちばん

㊦ 欲しい・ほしい (2)

Auxiliary Adjective (い)

Want someone (who is not higher in status than the speaker) to do something. Want (someone) to do (something)
【Related Expression: もらいたい; たい

Key Sentences

(ks). 私はあなたに英語を教えて欲しい・欲しいです。

I want you to teach me English.


Vて ほしい  
  話してほしい Want (someone) to talk
  食べてほしい Want (someone) to eat


(a). 私は子供達に私と一緒に住んで欲しい

I want my children to live together with me.

(b). あなたは誰に来て欲しいですか。

Who do you want to come?


1. 欲しい is used as an auxiliary with Verbて to mean 'want (someone) to do (something)'. When the experiencer wants a person X to do something, X is marked by に. 欲しい is not used if X has a higher status than the experiencer. Thus, the following sentence is not appropriate when the speaker is a student of Profesoor Yoshida's. (See Related Expression, [2] for the correct sentence in that situation.)

2. When Verbて欲しい is used, the experiencer is usually the first person in declarative sentences (Key Sentence, Example (a)) and the second person in interrogative sentences (Example (b)). If the experiencer is the third person, Verbてもらいたがっている '(literally) be showing the sign of wanting to receive the favor of doing something from someone' is used, as in (2).

(⇨ もらう2; たい; がる)

【Related Expression】

The same idea can also be expressed by Verbてもらいたい (⇨ もらう2; たい) Example:


This pattern can be used when the experiencer wants someone who has higher status to do something. In this case, いただく, the humble version of もらう, is used instead of もらう. Example:


㊦ 欲しい・ほしい(1) ←

→ ㊦ 一番・いちばん