㊦ だろう ←

→ ㊦ で(1)

㊦ 出す・だす

Auxiliary Verb (Group 1)

Something that has been latent is realised. Out; begin to; start to
【Related Expression: ~始める
【Antonym Expression: ~終わる

Key Sentences

(ks). 車が動き出した・出しました

The car started to move.


V ます 話し出す Someone starts to talk
  食べ出す Someone starts to eat


(a). 急に雨が降り出した

Suddenly it began to rain.

(b). 一歳になって初めて歩き出した

He started to walk only after he became a year old.

(c). そのアイディアは誰が考え出したんですか。

Who thought out that idea?

(d). 一時間ぐらいかけてとうとうその本屋を探し出した

After spending about an hour, I finally located that bookstore.


1. 出す in Verbます+出す is used as an auxiliary verb. When it is used as a full verb, it means 'cause something to become visible'.

2. Verbます+出す is normally ambiguous; one meaning is '~ out' and the other is 'begin to ~'. Thus, 作り出す means 'turn out' or 'begin to make'.

3. Verbます+出す conjugates as a Group 1 verb.

⎧さない informal, negative, nonpast
⎪します formal, nonpast
話し出 ⎪す informal, nonpast
⎨せば conditional
食べ出 ⎪そう volitional
⎪して て form
⎩した informal, past

4. Verbます+終わる 'finish ~ing' is an antonym of Verbます+出す/始める.

【Related Expression】

出す in the sense of 'begin to ~' is different from 始める in that the former indicates a non-volitional and abrupt beginning while the latter is more broadly used. Thus,




㊦ だろう ←

→ ㊦ で(1)