A particle which indicates that a proposition about the preceeding element X is also true when another similar proposition is true. | Too; also; (not) ~ either |
(ksa). 私も学生だ・です。
I, too, am a student.
(ksb). 私はスペイン語も話す・話します。
I speak Spanish, too.
(ksc). 私は村山さんにもプレゼントを上げる・上げます。
I will give a present to Mr. Murayama, too.
(i)Noun も | 私も | I, too/me (as direct object), too |
(ii)Noun (particle) も | 日本(に)も | In/to Japan, too |
アメリカ(へ)も | To America too | |
(iii)Noun Particle も | 先生にも | To/for the teacher, too (indirect object) |
フランスからも | From France | |
イギリスでも | In England, too | |
友達とも | With my friend, too |
(a). ハートさんは日本へ行った。ルイスさんも(日本へ)行った。
Mr. Hart went to Japan. Mr. Lewis also went to Japan.
(b). 林さんはテニスをします。(彼は)ゴルフもします。
Mr. Hayashi plays tennis. He plays golf, too.
(c). この町では新しい魚が買えません。隣の町でも(新しいか魚が)買えません。
You can't buy fresh fish in this town. You can't buy it in the next town, either.
1. In general, when the element Xも appears in a sentence, a related sentence with the element Y (plus particle if necessary) in place of Xも is presupposed. For example, when a speaker states (1), a sentence like (2) is presupposed.
Thust when Xも appears in a sentence, Xも is always the element under focus in that sentence.
2. There are cases in which Xも is used, althougn it does not exactly replace the element Y in the presupposed sentence. For example, (3b) can be spoken after (3a).
In this case, the speaker implies that his house is inconvenient when he says (3a), and this implication is the presupposition of (3b), where the speaker elaborates on the inconvenience.
3. "XもAだ" cannot be used to mean 'X is also A' in the sense that X is A as well as something else. "XもAだ" can be used only when "Yは/がAだ" presupposed. Thus, (4) does not mean (5). (In fact, (4) is nonsensical if it is stated by the same person.)
The idea that someone is a doctor as well as a teacher is expressed as in (6).