A coordinate conjunction which connects two alternatives expressed by sentences. | Or; either~ or~ |
【Related Expression: か1】 |
(ksa). この本が間違っているか(それとも)私が間違っているかどちらだ・です。
It's either that this book is wrong or that I am wrong.
(ksb). 刺身を食べますか。それともすき焼きにしますか。
Will you have sashimi, or will you have sukiyaki?
(a). 僕が来るか(それとも)村井さんが来るかどちらかです。
Either I will come or Mr. Murai will come.
(b). あの人は先生ですか。それとも医者ですか。
Is he a teacher or a doctor?
1. それとも combines statements (Key Sentence (A)) or questions (Key Sentence (B)). In Key Sentence (A), それとも can be omitted.
2. In Key Sentence (B), if the context is clear, abbreviated questions may occur in informal speech. For example, (1) may be used for Key Sentence (B).