㊦ 間・あいだ(に) ←

→ ㊦ ある(1)

㊦ あまり


The degree of something is not great. (not) very much; (not) very

Key Sentences

(ks). この本はあまりよくない・よくありません。

This book is not very good.


(a). 鈴木さんはあまり食べない。

Miss Suzuki does not eat much.

(b). 私はあまり速く走れません。

I cannot run very fast.


1. The adverb あまり usually occurs in negative sentences, meaning 'not very (much)'. あまり is one of a group of adverbs which co-occur with negative predicates. They include:

2. あんまり is a phonological variant of あまり and usually used in conversation.

3. In limited situations, あまり can be used in affirmative sentences, too. In this case, it means 'very; too' with a negative implication. Examples:

㊦ 間・あいだ(に) ←

→ ㊦ ある(1)