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→ ㊤ ~も[V]ば~も[V]

㊤ 見るからに


A phrase indicating that something can be (obviously) recognized through visual cues. Visibly; obviously; really look; can be easily recognised as; can tell just by looking at~
【Related Expression: 明らかに; いかにも】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 太陽の光をたっぷり浴びたみかんは、見るからにおいしそうだ。

The sun-bathed mandarin oranges look really delicious.

(ksb). 彼女が身につけているものは見るからに高級品だった。

What she wears if obviously of high quality.


(i)見るからに Adjective(い/な) stemそうだ  
見るからに面白そうだ Something is obviously interesting
見るからに元気そうだ Someone is obviously healthy
見るからに日本人だ Someone is obviously Japanese
見るからに失望している Someone is obviously disappointed


(a). このパンは見るからに手作りという感じですね。

This bread is obviously homemade.

(b). その青年は見るからに聡明そうだった。

You could tell just by looking that the young man was intelligent.

(c). 老人が見るからに重そうな買い物袋を抱えて歩いている。

The old man is walking with a shopping bag that is obviously heavy.

(d). その写真には見るからに寂しそうな孤児たちが写っていた。

In that picture the orphans were obviously lonely.

(e). 半身・淡路大震災の時は見るからに新聞記者らしい人たちが大勢写真を撮っていた。

At the time of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, a lot of people who could easily be recognized as news reporters were taking pictures.

(f). 彼の顔は青黒くむくみ、見るからに健康を害していた。

His face was pale, dark and swollen. You could tell just by looking at him that he was in poor health.

(g). 見るからにジューシーなお肉にかぶりつくと、うまみが口の中に広がっていった。

I took a big bite into a visibly juicy piece of meat. Delicious flavour started to fill my mouth.

(h). このスープは野菜たっぷりで、見るからに体によさそう!

This soup has plenty of vegetables and looks really healthy!

(i). この男の人、見るからに誠実で優しそうね。

This man looks really honest and kind, doesn't he?

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