Conjunction (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
A conjunction that means "in addition to what has just been mentioned". | In addition; and additionally; what's more |
【Related Expression: だけでなく~(も); ばかりでなく~(も); その上(に); 且つ】 | |
(ksa). この冬のアメリカ東部は雪、雨、加えて強風の被害が大きかった。
This winter the East Coast of the U.S. suffered terribly from snow, rain and, in addition, strong winds.
(ksb). この辺は物価が安い。(それに)加えて自然環境もすばらしい。
Things are inexpensive in this neighbourhood. What's more, the natural environment is amazing.
(i)Noun1、Noun2、(…、) | 加えてNoun | |
酒、ビール、加えてウイスキー | Sake, beer, and on top of that, whisky | |
(ii)Sentence1 (それに) | 加えてSentence2。 | |
彼は頭が切れる。(それに)加えて人柄もいい。 | He is sharp. In addition, he has a good personality. |
(a). この作家の小説は想像力の豊かさ、鮮明な文体、加えて、極めて音楽的なリズム感がある。
The novels of this author are richly imaginative, have a clear-cut style, and, in addition, have a highly musical rhythm.
(b). 金融業の倒産、失業率の上昇、加えて、不安定な政治状況によって、この国の経済は沈滞している。
The bankruptcy of financial institutions, the rise in the unemployment rate, and, additionally, political instability are causing the stagnation of this country's economy.
(c). 健康維持には正しい食事、適度な運動、加えて人との温かいコミュニケーションが必要であろう。
In order to maintain your health, a proper diet, moderate exercise and, what's more, amiable communication with other people are necessary.
(d). 彼女はおしゃべりが好きで、とても明るい。それに加えて、なかなかユニークなキャラクターだ。
She likes to chat and is very cheerful. In addition, she has a unique character.
(e). 北海道の秋は紅葉がきれいだ。加えて、空気がからっと乾燥していて気持ちがいい。
The fall foliage in Hokkaido is beautiful. In addition, the crisp, dry air feels good.
(f). 京都は神社仏閣がたくさんある。加えて、魅力的な日本庭園も多い。
Kyoto has many shrines and temples. In addition, it has many charming traditional gardens.