An adverb that indicates the speaker's/writer's tentative supposition. | Supposing that; suppose; providing that; (even) if |
【Related Expression: もし(も)】 | |
(ksa). 仮に一億円{もらう/もらった}と{したら/すれば}何に使いますか。
Supposing you received 100 million yen, what would you use it for?
(ksb). 仮に月収が30万円{ある/あった}として、どのようなアパートを借りることができるだろうか。
Supposing that I had an income of 300,000 yen, I wonder what kind of an apartment I could rent.
(ksc). 仮にこれが日本の教育の現状だったら、構造改革の余地は大いにある。
If this were the current state of Japanese educational affairs, a lot would have to be restructured.
(ksd). 仮に手術が成功{する/した}としても、高齢だから父の体が元に戻ることはないだろう。
Even if the operation is successful, my father, who is quite old, will probably not regain his original health.
(i)仮に | Sinformalと{したら/すれば} | |
仮に{話す/話した}と{したら/すれば} | Supposing (that)/if someone talks/talked | |
仮に{高い/高かった}と{したら/すれば} | Supposingg (that)/if something is/were expensive | |
仮にきれい{だ/だった}と{したら/すれば} | Supposing (that)/if something/someone is/were beautiful | |
仮に先生{だ/だった}と{したら/すれば} | Supposing (that)/if someone is/were a teacher | |
(ii)仮に | Sinformal場合 | |
仮に{話す/話した}場合 | Supposing (that)/if someone talks/talked | |
仮に{高い/高かった}場合 | Supposing (that)/if something is/were expensive | |
仮にきれい{だ/だった}場合 | Supposing (that) if something/someone is/were beautiful | |
仮に先生{だ/だった}場合 | ||
(iii)仮に | Sinformalとして | |
仮に{話す/話した}として | Supposing (that) someone talked | |
仮に{高い/高かった}として | Supposing (that) something were expensive | |
仮にきれい{だ/だった}として | Supposing (that) something/someone were beautiful | |
仮に先生{だ/だった}として | Supposing (that) someone were a teacher | |
(iv)仮に | Sinformal past ら | |
仮に話したら | Supposing (that)/if someone talks/talked | |
仮に高かったら | Supposing (that)/if something is/were expensive | |
仮にきれいだったら | Supposing (that)/if something/someone is/were beautiful | |
仮に先生だったら | Supposing (that)/if someone is/were a teacher | |
(v)仮に~ | {Vて/Adjective いstemくて}も | |
{Adjective な stem/ Noun}でも | ||
仮に話しても | Even is someone talks/talked | |
仮に高くても | Even if something is/were expensive | |
仮にきれいでも | Even if someone/something is/were beautiful | |
仮に先生でも | Even if someone is/were a teacher | |
(vi)仮に | Sinformalとしても | |
仮に{話す/話した}としても | Even if someone talks/talked | |
仮に{高い/高かった}としても | Even if something were expensvie | |
仮にきれい{だ/だった}としても | Even if someone/something were beautiful | |
仮に先生{だ/だった}としても | Even if someone were a teacher |
(a). 仮にあなたがベンチャー企業の経営権を持っていたら、どのようなアプローチを取りますか。
Supposing that you managed a business venture, what sort of approach would you take?
(b). よくある質問ですが、仮にあなたが今小さい島で一人で暮らすとして、一冊だけ本を持って行けるとしたら、どの本を持って行きますか。
This is a common question, but supposing that you were going to live alone on a small island and were allowed to bring only one book, what would it be (literally: which book would you take there)?
(c). 仮に今の調子で老齢化が進むとすれば、21世紀後半には日本の人口の5割以上が65歳以上になる可能性がある。
If Japan ages at the current rate, in the latter half of the 21st century more than half of the Japanese population will be 65 or older.
(d). 仮に日本に一年ぐらい行って日本語を勉強すれば、君たちの日本語はすごく上達するよ。
If you go to Japan to study Japanese for about a year, your Japanese will make an impressive progress.
(e). 信号を待っている時、仮に前の車が青になったのに進まなかったとしても、クラクションは鳴らさない方がよいでしょう。
When you are waiting for the light, even if the car in front of you doesn't move ahead when it turns green, it's better not to honk.
(f). 仮に話を経済学の「理論」に限定するとしても、今日までのあらゆる経済学理論が結局においてはすべてゲーム理論だと言っていいだろう。
Even if we limit the discussion to economic theory, I can safely say that all economic theories are, in the end, game theory.
(g). 仮に仲介者を通して売る場合、利益が少なくなるのは当然だ。
If you sell it through a go-between, your profit, of course, will become smaller.