Compound Particle (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
A compound particle that expresses someone's indifference to warnings, criticism, advice, accusations, opposition, anxiety, wishes, eagerness, provocative action, etc. | Indifferent to~; contrary to~; ignoring~; despite |
(ksa). 首相は国民の批判をよそにイラク戦争支持を表明した。
Setting aside people's criticism, the prime minister declared his support for the Iraq War.
(ksb). 青春時代、友達がデートに明け暮れるのをよそに、僕は家に一人こもってSFを読んでいた。
During my adolescent years, I secluded myself at home and read science fiction, ignoring my friends, who were spending all their time dating.
(i)NP | をよそに | |
不景気をよそに | Indifferent to economic recession | |
(ii)Sinformalの | をよそに | だ cannot be used before の. Adjectiveなstem{な/である}の;Nounであるの |
困っているのをよそに | Indifferent to the fact that someone is having trouble | |
不便{な/である}のをよそに | Ignoring the inconvenience | |
不況であるのをよそに | Indifferent to the state of depression |
(a). 今回のイベントは、我々の心配をよそに多くの参加者を集め、大成功だった。
Despite our worries, many people participated in the event, so it turned out to be a big success.
(b). たび重なる妻の忠告をよそに、彼は酒もタバコもやめなかった。
Ignoring his wife's repeated advice, he never quit drinking and smoking.
(c). 彼はその恋を自身の最後の恋と感じて、周囲の警告をよそにのめり込んでいった。
Feeling that it would be his last chance for love, he ignored the warnings of those around him, and allowed himself to get deeply involved.
(d). 2006年12月、様々な反対の声をよそに、教育基本法改正案が国会の十分な審議を経ることなく可決された。
In December 2006, the revision of the Fundamental Law of Education was passed without sufficient deliberation by the Diet, despite opposition from various sectors.
(e). 平和を希求する市民による核兵器廃絶への切なる願いをよそに、核兵器開発、核軍拡競争は、今なおとどまるところを知りません。
Despite the heartfelt pleas of peace-minded citizens who want to abolish all nuclear weapons, the nuclear arms race and the development of nuclear weapons still know no limits.
(f). 多くの国々が経済発展ばかりに躍起になっているのをよそに、この国は個人の豊かな生活を基盤にした幸福を追求している。
Contrary to the many countries in the world that enthusiastically pursue economic growth, this country is pursuing happiness based on an affluent life for individuals.