㊤ にかけては ←

→ ㊤ に決まっている

㊤ に難くない

Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)

A phrase that indicates that it is not hard to imagine or guess a situation. Not hard; easy~

Key Sentences

(ksa). 給料低いために教師の質が低下した(であろう)ことは想像にかたくない

It is not hard to imagine that the quality of teachers fell because of the low salary.

(ksb). 幼い時に両親を失った彼女の生活が{いかに/どれほど}悲惨だったかは推測にかたくない

It is easy to guess how miserable her life was after she lost her parents.


VN に難くない Where VN=Sino-Japanese compound
{想像/推測/予測}に難くない It is not hard to imagine/guess/predict


(a). この新宅には相当お金をかけたであろうことは想像にかたくない

It is easy to imagine them spending a lot of money on this new house.

(b). 日本語教育のめざましい進歩の裏には、日本語教育者・研究者の並々ならぬ努力があったことは、想像にかたくありません

It is not hard to imagine that behind the eye-opening progress Japanese language education has made are the extraordinary efforts of Japanese language educators and researchers.

(c). 留学生にとって日本の伝統文化を見つけることがいかに難しくなっているかは想像にかたくないことでしょう。

It isn't hard to imagine how difficult it has become for foreign students to find (examples of) traditional Japanese culture.

(d). 好きな文芸の道と経営者としての責任の間で、多才な彼が苦悩していたことは想像にかたくない

It isn't hard to imagine that a man of his versatile talents struggled (to choose) between his beloved world of literature and his managerial responsibilities.

(e). その青年が非常に心優しく生真面目かつ勉学熱心な人間だったことは推測にかたくない

It is easy to imagine that young man as a gentle, serious and diligent person.

(f). 海外に在住して母国の軍事政権への反対活動を行っている人が帰国すれば、拘禁や拷問にさらされるであろうことは予測にかたくない

It isn't hard to predict that if people who live overseas and actively criticize the military regime of their country go home, most likely they will be put into prison and tortured.

Note image

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→ ㊤ に決まっている