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㊤ に応じて・応じて

Compound Particle

A compound particle that means "in response to". In response to; according to; depending on; appropriate for; suitable for; suited to; meet
【Related Expression: によって; 次第で; いかんで】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 組合の要求に応じて標準就業時間が短縮されることになった。

In response to union demands, the standard work day (literally: standard work hours) will be shortened.

(ksb). 業績に応じて従業員全員にボーナスが支給された。

Bonuses were distributed to all employees according to their performance (literally: achievements).

(ksc). 天候や道路状況に応じた適切な運転を心がけましょう。

Please make sure your driving is appropriate for the weather and road conditions.


(i)Noun に応じて  
求めに応じて In response to someone's request
能力に応じて According to someone's ability
(ii)Noun1 に応じたNoun2  
目的に応じた教え方 A teaching method suitable for the purpose


(a). 当社では要請に応じて講師を学校に派遣することもできます。

We can also dispatch a lecturer to the school in response to their request.

(b). 病院でもらう薬は、医師が患者の体質や症状に応じて処方します。

The drugs a patient receives at the hospital are prescribed by the doctor according to the patient's physical condition and symptoms.

(c). 湯沸かし器の設定温度は、目的に応じてその都度調節するのが賢い使い方だ。

A wise way of using a water heater is to adjust the (pre-set) temperature each time, according to the purpose.

(d). 今年行われた「今後の大学教育のあり方に関する世論調査」によると、外国語教育の効果的だと思われる授業のあり方に関して、33.7%が「学生個人の能力に応じてクラスを分けて授業を行う」と答えた。

According to the "Survey of How Future Higher Education Should Be," which was conducted this year, 33.7 percent (of respondents) agreed that for effective foreign language education, "classes should be taught by dividing students according to their abi

(e). 髪のケアには欠かせないシャンプーには症状に応じて様々なタイプがある。

Shampoo, which is indispensable for hair care, comes in various types, depending on the condition of your hair.

(f). 一般に供給は需要に応じて変動する。しかし、場合によって需要が供給に応じて変動するのも事実である。

Generally, supply changes according to the demand. However, it is also true that in some cases demand changes according to the supply.

(g). 家を購入する場合には収入に応じた物件を選ぶべきです。

When buying a house, you should choose one that is within your means (literally: suitable for your income).

(h). 我が社はお客さまのご予算に応じた費用対効果の高いホームページ制作を支援します。

We support the production of highly cost-effective Web pages geared to the customer's budget (literally: suitable for the customer's budget).

(i). 平成15年に公布された「個人情報の保護に関する法律」は、個人情報取扱事業者に対し、本人の求めに応じて保有個人データの開示や訂正を行うこと、また本人の求めに応じてその利用を停止することなだを義務づけている。

The Law Regarding the Protection of Personal Information, which was promulgated in the fifteenth year of Heisei (2003), requires businesses that handle personal information to disclose or correct an individual's personal data in their possession in resp

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