A conjunction indicating that each time someone perceives something he/she feels or thinks something associated with it. | As; every time; whenever |
【Related Expression: たびに】 | |
(ks). ナポリで撮った両親の写真を見るにつけ、あの時の楽しかった旅行を思い出す。
When I see the photo of my parents I took in Naples, I remember what a great time we had on that trip.
Vinformal nonpast | につけ | Where V=verb of cognition |
景色を見るにつけ | As I look at the scenery | |
日記を読むにつけ | As I read the diary | |
そのことを考えるにつけ | As I think about it | |
年を感じるにつけ | As I become conscious of my age | |
その香りを嗅ぐにつけ | As I smell the scent |
(a). 新緑の香りを嗅ぐにつけ、「ああ、春なんだなあ」と思わずのほほんとしてしまいます。
As I smell the scent of fresh green foliage, I tell myself it's finally spring and feel really relaxed, almost without realizing it.
(b). そのピアニストの深みのある音楽を聴き、温かい人柄に触れるにつけ、「音楽は人なり」の思いを強くしております。
As I listen to the pianist's deeply-felt music and sense his warm personality, I feel strongly that music is man.
(c). 深刻化する年金問題や経済問題に対する政府の無策ぶりを見るにつけ、自分のことは自分で守るしかないと思う。
As I watch the government's inability to deal with the increasingly serious problems related to the pension system and economy, I think that we must (do what we can to) protect ourselves.
(d). 二十歳をはるかに過ぎても自立への見通しのつかない若者を見るにつけ、聞くにつけ、やるせない思いがあります。
As I watch or hear about young people who are well over 20 but have no prospects for becoming independent, I feel heavy-hearted.
(e). いじめや虐待、陰惨な事件など、子供を取り巻く不幸な状況を考えるにつけ、この国の行く末を案じずにはいられない。
Whenever I think about the unhappy circumstances surrounding children, with the recent cases of bullying, abuse, and gruesome incidents, it makes me feel concerned about the future of this country.
(f). 世界各地での戦いの様子を見るにつけ胸が痛む。
As I watch the wars going on in various places around the world, my heart aches.
(g). 最近頻発している医療ミスの記事を読むにつけ、私も被害者になる可能性があったのではと戦慄を覚えてしまう。
Whenever I read articles about all of the medical errors that have been happening (frequently) recently, I shudder at the thought that I could have been a victim.
(h). 年末が一気に駆け足でやってくるのを感じるにつけ、自分の年齢を思い知らされます。
As I feel the end of the year coming at a dash, I become aware of my age.