㊤ なんて(1) ←

→ ㊤ 何とか

㊤ なんて (2)

Particle (usually used in conversation)

A colloquial particle ued to express a strong feeling such as astonishment, incredulousness, envy, disdain, dislike, happiness, etc. That; things like
【Related Expression: (など)とは; なんか; など】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 小学校からのいじめが中学まで続くなんてひどい。

It's terrible that bullying continues after grade school into junior high.

(ksb). 最近は電子メールばかり使っていて、手紙なんて滅多に書かない。

Lately I've been using only e-mail, and seldom write (a thing like) a letter.


(i){V/Adjectiveい}informal なんて  
私と別れるなんて、ひどい! It's terrible that you'd break up with me!
この問題がやさしいなんて信じられない! I can't believe (that someone says) this problem is so easy!
(ii){Adjectiveなstem/ Noun} {だ/だった}なんて  
納豆が好きだなんて、本当? Is it true that you like nattou?
彼女が女優だったなんて、ちっとも知らなかった。 I didn't know that she was an actress!
(iii)Noun なんて  
コンピュータなんて嫌いだ。 I hate things like computers


(a). 生演奏で踊れるなんて、うらやましい。

I'm envious that they can dance to live music (literally: a live performance).

(b). 大勢の皆さんに家まで来ていただけるなんて、とても嬉しいです。

I'm very happy that so many of you have come to my home.

(c). 夏にエアコンをつけすぎて寒いなんて、電力浪費も甚だしい。

It's horrible that they feel cold in summer while overusing their air conditioner and wasting electricity.

(d). あの人がそんなに有名だなんてちっとも知らなかった。

I had no idea he was that famous!

(e). あなたなんて最低よ。

You are contemptible!

(f). 納豆なんて嫌いだ。

I hate nattou (fermented soybeans).

Note image

㊤ なんて(1) ←

→ ㊤ 何とか