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→ ㊤ なしに

㊤ なるほど


An adverb indicating that the speaker/writer affirms the correctness of something he/she has heard/read/observed. Indeed; it is true~ (but); really; I see
【Related Expression: 確かに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). パリはきれいだと聞いていたが、なるほどその芸術性には舌を巻いた。

I had heard that Paris was a beautiful city, and (literally: but) indeed I was astounded by its artistry.

(ksb). なるほど、日本の官僚はいろいろと批判されているが、戦後の日本の復興は彼らに負うところが多い。

It is true that Japanese bureaucrats are criticized in various ways, but we owe them for much of Japan's post-war recovery.

(ksc). A:文化って、宗教のように倫理的な決まりが多いですね。B:なるほどね。

A: Culture, like religion, has a lot of ethical rules./ B: I see.


(i)Sentence1{が/けれど}、 なるほどSentence2。  
若い{が/けれど}、なるほど、才能が豊かだ。 Someone is young, but is richly talented indeed
(ii)なるほど Sentence1{が/けれど}、Sentence2。  
なるほど、一見くだらない{が/けれど}、研究の価値がある。 It looks worthless at first sight, but it is worth researching
(iii)なるほど (ね)。 It see/Indeed/It makes sense


(a). この大学のことは大学案内で読んではいたが、実際に来てみると、なるほど、学生たちはずばらしい教育を受けているようだ。

I had read about this college in a college guide, but by actually coming here myself I can see the students really seem to be getting a great education.

(b). この辺りでは菜の花畑が4月中旬ごろ特にきれいだと聞いていたが、なるほど見事である。

I had heard that the fields of rape blossoms around here are particularly beautiful around mid-April, and now that I've seen them myself, I have to say that they are indeed impressive.

(c). 本日、川上弘美『椰子・椰子』を読了。なるほど面白い本だ。

Today I finished reading Hiromi Kawakami's "Yashi, Yashi (Palm, Palm)." It's indeed an interesting book.

(d). なるほど、これだけの規模のテロが起きると人々は恐怖に捕われるけれど、自分でコントロールできないことをくよくよ心配しても仕方がないだろう。

It's true people are caught by fear when terrorism of this magnitude occurs, but it is no use worrying too much about what you cannot control.

(e). なるほど日本の文化とドイツの文化は違っている点があるが、実は共通点の方が多いようだ。

Indeed there are differences between Japanese culture and German culture, but actually it seems they have more similarities than differences.

(f). A:実は僕には好きな人がいるんですが、勇気がなくて告白できないんです。 B: なるほど。でも、それは自分に対する自信が足りないからじゃないの?

A: To tell you the truth, there's someone I love, but I don't have the courage to tell her. B: I see exactly what you mean. It's because you don't have enough self-confidence.

(g). A:この使い捨てカメラって、写真を撮りたい時簡単に買えて、撮ったらそのままカメラ屋に現像に出せるのが魅力なんだ。面倒なフィルムの出し入れもないし。B:なるほど

A: The attractive feature of this disposable camera is that you can buy one whenever you want to take a picture, and when you are done you can take it as is to a camera shop for developing. You don't need to bother putting film in and taking it out. B:

Note image

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