Phrase (usually used in formal writing and formal speech)
A phrase indicating that the subject does something without paying much attention, or that when, where, to whom, etc., something took place is unclear. | Without intending to; without paying much attention; unconsciously; mindlessly; don't know (exactly) who/where/etc. (but); cannot tell (exactly) who/where/etc. (but); (to/from) no particular (person, etc.) |
【Related Expression: ともなしに; となく】 | |
(ksa). 散歩をしているうちに、来るともなく駅まで来てしまった。
While I was taking a walk, I came as far as the station without intending to.
(ksb). 我が家ではいつからともなく正月にスキーに行く習慣が始まった。
We do not know when, but my family started a tradition of going skiing on New Year's Day.
(i)V1informal nonpast | ともなくV2 | Where V1=V2 |
見るともなく見る | Look at something unconsciously | |
(ii)Wh-word+Particle | ともなく | |
どこからともなく | (Cannot tell from where but) from somewhere | |
誰にともなく | To no one in particular |
(a). 聴くともなく聴いていたら、だんだんその演奏に引き込まれていった。
As I was listening to the performance without paying much attention, I was gradually pulled into it.
(b). 大学時代のことを考えるともなく考えていると、次々にクラスメートの顔が浮かんできた。
When I was thinking mindlessly about my university days, the faces of my classmates came to my mind one after another.
(c). 目撃者の話を聞くともなく後ろで聞いていたが、突然その話の中に事件解決のための重要な情報が含まれていることに気がついた。
I was listening to the witness's story from behind without paying much attention when, all of sudden, I realised that it contained an important piece of information for solving the case.
(d). どこからともなくいい匂いが漂ってきた。
(I couldn't tell from where, but) a good smell wafted from somewhere.
(e). 「やっと終わった」。彼は誰にともなくつぶやいた。
Finally, it's over, he muttered (literally: muttered to no one in particular).
(f). 二人はどちらからともなく顔を見合わせて微笑んだ。
The two smiled at each other almost at the same time. (literally: I cannot tell which one did it first, but the two looked at each other and smiled.)