㊤ だって(1) ←

→ ㊤ であれ

㊤ だって (2)

Particle (usually used in conversation)

A particle meaning "too" or "even". Too; also; (not) ~either; even; any; no matter what/who/how/etc.
【Related Expression: も; でも】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この翻訳なら私にだってできます。

(i) I could do this translation, too. (literally: If it's this translation, I can do it, too. (ii) Even I could do this translation. (literally: If it's this translation, even I can do it.

(ksb). 数多いお客さんの中には難しい人だっている。

In a large group of customers, there will be difficult people(, too).

(ksc). 今からだって遅くないから、彼に電話してみたら?

It's not too late now (literally: It is not late, even from now), so why don't you call him?

(ksd). そんないい仕事だったら誰だってやりたい。

Anyone would want a good job like that.


(i)Noun (Particle) だって  
だって He, too; even he
これからだって From now on, too; even from now on
(ii)Wh-word だって  
だって買う Anyone would buy


(a). だって子供のことは考えているだろう。

(i) You're thinking about your children, too, aren't you? (ii) Even you are thinking about your children, aren't you?

(b). それは部長だって知らないことだ。

(i) This is something the division head doesn't know, either. (ii) This is something even the division head doesn't know.

(c). 最近は忙しいので日曜だって休めないことが多い。

(i) Because I have been very busy recently, often I haven't been able to take a day off on Sunday, either. (ii) Because I've been very busy recently, often I haven't even taken Sunday off.

(d). もういい加減に許してやれよ。彼だって悪気があってやったわけじゃないんだから。

Why don't you forgive him now? He didn't mean anything bad when he did it.

(e). これからだって彼には色々頼まないといけないんだから、そんなに彼のことを悪く言うもんじゃないよ。

We're going to have to ask a lot of favours from him from now on, too, so don't talk so ill of him.

(f). この間だってそうだ。僕のノートを借りたまま言われるまで返さないんだ。

It happened the other day, too. He borrowed my notebook and didn't return it until I asked him to.

(g). 一度だって僕が君に嘘をついたことがあるかい。

Have I ever lied to you, even once?

(h). それだけ日本語を知っていたら一人だってできるからやってごらん。

If you know that much Japanese, you can do it even on your own, so give it a try.

(i). 私は子供が欲しがるものは何だって買い与えた。今から思えばそれは間違いだったかもしれない。

I bought my child anything he wanted. When I think about it now, I feel that might have been the wrong thing to do.

(j). どっちだって同じだろう。早く決めちゃえよ。

lt's the same either way, isn't it (literally: Any one of which is the same, isn't it)? Make up your mind, quick.

(k). いつだってあなたのやりたいことを優先してきたじゃないの。

Haven't I always given priority to what you want to do?

Note image

㊤ だって(1) ←

→ ㊤ であれ