㊤ さぞ(かし) ←

→ ㊤ そのもの

㊤ そもそも(の)


A sentence-modifying adverb used when the speaker/writer comments on or questions a fundamental point. In the first place; to begin with; first of all; the very (beginning/origin/etc.); original; first; fundamental
【Related Expression: 第一; もともとの】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私はそもそも、作品のいいところをコメントしないで欠点ばかり指摘する審査のやり方に賛成できない。

To begin with, I cannot agree with our way of judging where we point out only the flaws of a piece and never mention the good points.

(ksb). そもそもこんなところにスーパーを造ったことが問題だ。

The problem is that they built a supermarket in a place like this to begin with.

(ksc). そもそもどうしてこんなばかばかしい企画が通ったのでしょうか。

How was such a ridiculous plan approved in the first place?


(i)そもそも Sentence。  
そもそもこの計画は実行不可能だ。 In the first place, this plan can't be carried out
(ii)そもそもの Noun  
そもそもの動機 The original motivation


(a). 今回の事件のそもそもの起こりは、一人の社員が会社のパソコンをうちに持ち帰ったことにあった。

This whole incident started when an employee took one of the office computers home. (literally: The very origin of this incident was in the fact that an employee took one of the office computers home.)

(b). そもそも人間は一人で生きているのではない。

To begin with, humans are not solitary beings.

(c). そもさも電波って何なんでしょう。

So, what are radio waves in the first place?

(d). そもそも一体何で君がこのパーティーにいるんだ?

To begin with, why on earth are you at this party?

(e). 彼に期待したことがそもそもの間違いだった。

That we were hoping for great things from him was our first mistake.

(f). 契約書に誤訳があったのがそもそもの問題だ。

The fundamental problem was that there was a mistranslation in the contract.

Note image

㊤ さぞ(かし) ←

→ ㊤ そのもの